الانجليزي الصف الاول المتوسط
* quick ckeck
1- no
2- no
4- no
5- yes
* *quick ckeck ?
modern building complexes and skyscrapers like the kingdom center - the al-faisalya center and riyadh tv tower are now attractiions of the new city - more than 1500 square kilometers
2- pair work ?
what is the size of old riyadh ?
the old oasis town of riyadh was an area of about one square kilometer
* what do the buildings look like in old riyadh ?
there were many mud-brick houses -mosques and other buildings inside the walls of the city
* what do the buildings look like in modern riadh ?
modern building complexes and sky scrapers like the kingdom center -the alfaisaliya center and the riaydh tv tower are now attractions of the new city