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حل الانجليزي ثاني متوسط الفصل الثاني صفحة 21


The Answers:


1A: Which is faster?

B: I think a cheetah is faster that a gorse.

2- A: Which is more difficult ?

B :I think surfing is more difficult than rollerblading

Which is more dangerous 3A: ?

B: I think  driving  is more dangerous than  flying.

4A: Which is more exciting ?

B: I think sky diving is more popular than rugby .

5A: Which is more popular?

B: I think football is more popular than rugby?

6A: Which is easier?

B: I think English is easier than math.


- I think surfing is the most difficult

-I think sky diving is the most exciting

-I think football is the most popular sport

-I think English is the easiest subject

أظهر المزيد من الحل إخفاء جزء من الحل