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حل الانجليزي ثاني متوسط الفصل الثاني صفحة 27


انجليزي الصف الثانى متوسط

A.Vocabulary.List the adjectives used in the brochure

Peaceful, most awesome, colorful, marine, cultural, old,new, traditional, modern, ethnic, ancient, spectacular, coastal, archaeological, exciting, different, natural,magnificent, wonderful,unique,different,amazing

B comprehension

1-what does global tours offer?

1- global tours offers a vacation anywhere  in the world. it offers different kinds of vacations. you can travel around or relax in one place

2-What can you do in the red sea

2-you can go scuba diving in the peaceful coral reefs and see colorful marine life

3-what are visitors going to see in petra?

3- in Petra,visitors are going to see an ancient city with wonderful buildings and tombs carved in the rock

4--what kind of vacation are you going to have in malaysia

4-in Malaysia,you,re going to hike through the rainforest and learn about the unique ecosystem. you're going to come into contect with different species of plants and animals

A. Ask and answer about the places

What's Petra like

-It's magnificent archaeologist site. you can see wonderful buildings and tombs carved out in the rock

-What's Kinabalu like?

it is one of the world's unique can see thousand of different spacies of plants and animals, including an amazing variety of orchids

B. Choose one of the vacations ask and answer about the trip

1-where are you going to go on your vacations?

1-i'm going to go to Petra in Jordan

2- How long are you goin to stay

2-i'm going to stay two weeks

3-who are you going with

3-i'm going with my father

4- how are you going to go

4-i'm going to go there by plane

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