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حل الانجليزي ثاني متوسط الفصل الثاني صفحة 30


انجليزي الصف الثانى متوسط

About conversation

1-why doesn't Omar want to go to india?

1-Omar doesn;t want to go to india because it's a bit too crowded,and he doesn't like the food

2-what's wrong with costa rica?

2-He's allergic to mosquitoes

3-What kind of place is Omar looking for

3-He's looking for a place that is off the beaten track

Your turn

Your partner teels you what he/she likes to do on a make suggestions for where he/she can go. your partner agrees or disagrees with your suggestion and says why

A: I like to lie on the beach and swim in the sea. in the evening i enjoy eating at outdoor restaurants

B:how about sharm in egypt

A:that's a great idea

7-About you

What's your favorite kind of vacation-1?

1-Adventure Vacation

2-What do you like to do on a vacation

2-i like to climb mountains

3-How often do you take a vacation

3-Once a year

4- What are you going to do on your next vacation

4- i'm going to go camping in the desert

أظهر المزيد من الحل إخفاء جزء من الحل