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الانجليزي page-61
الانجليزي page-62

حل الانجليزي ثاني متوسط الفصل الثاني صفحة 52


انجليزي للصف الثاني المتوسط

The Answers

About conversation

1. Ali wants Sultan to tell Fahd that he isn't home if Fahd calls

2. He's calling to tell Ali that he has free tickets to a football game.

3. He wants Sultan to tell Ali about the free tickets

Your turn

? A: Will you do me a favor

?B: Sure. What do you want me to do

A: If Nada calls, tell her that I will visit her at 6:00.

B: Ok. No problem.

? C: Hello, This is Nada. May I speak to Iman

B: Hi Nada. My sister isn't here.

C: Ah, that's too bad! I want to ask her to come early.

B: She told me to tell you that she will come at 6:00.

7About You

1. Yes, I do

2. By the mobile

3. Yes, I do

4. Yes, I do

أظهر المزيد من الحل إخفاء جزء من الحل