Quick Check
ابحث على كلمات من النص بنفس المعنى
:A. Vocabulary. Find words in the text that mean
1. gave to charity
2. an arrangement to meet
3. excellent
4. supported someone to succeed
5. got together/met
6. a baby
1. donated.
2. appointment.
3. outstanding
4. encouraged.
5. gathered.
6. infant/newborn.
أجب على الأسئلة
B. Comprehension. Answer the questions.
1. Why did Trent continue to give blood?
لماذا يواصل ترينت التبرع بالدم؟
2. How often does Trent give blood?ly
لماذا يواصل ترينت التبرع بالدم؟
Why was it difficult for Ahmed to walk .3
لماذا كان المشي صعبا على احمد ؟
4. Who taught Ahmed to play football?
من علم أحمد لعب كرة القدم ؟
Why did the employees gather at the beach .5
لماذا تجمع الموظفون على الشاطئ؟
6. When were the twins born?ll
متى ولد التوأم ؟
1. Because he though it was the right thing to do.
2. He gives blood every eight weeks.
3. Because he was born with crippling disease.
4. His brother.
5. They gathered at the beach for a clean-up operation.
6. They were born on Monday, June 21st.