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حل انجليزي ثاني متوسط الفصل الاول صفحة 22


عن المحادثة

About the Conversation

ماذا يعمل والد ديفد ؟

?What does David's father do .1

ماذا يريد ديفد أن يصبح ?

What does David want to be .2

ماذا يعمل والد روس ?

What does Ross's dad dot .3

ماذا يريد روس أن يصبح؟ و لماذا ؟

?What does Ross want to be Why .4

1. He is a pilot.

2. He wants to be a pilot.

3. He is a writer.

4. He wants to be a chemistry teacher. He loves doing experiments, and he likes teaching kids.


Your Turn

ناقش ضمن مجموعة أين يعمل أفراد عائلتك؟ و كيف يشعرون تجاه أعمالهم؟

Discuss in groups. Where do the members of your family work? What do they do? What do they think about their jobs?

A: What does your father do?

B: He is a civil engineer.

A: What do you think about his job?

B: It is interesting.

A: What does your uncle do?

B: He is a teacher.

A: What do you think about his job?

B: It is boring.


7 about you 

ما هي الأعمال التي تتوقع أنها ممتعة؟ و ما الممتع فيها

 1. what do you think are interesting jobs? What's interesting about them ?

ما هي الأعمال السينة و ما السيء فيها؟

?What do you think are bad jobs? What's bad about them .2

ماذا تريد أن تصبح في المستقبل؟ ولماذا ؟

?What do you want to be in the future Why .3

1. Computer programmer, I interest in coding.

2. Box maker, same daily routine, it is boring.

3. I want to be a computer programmer, because I love Computer Science and Technology.

أظهر المزيد من الحل إخفاء جزء من الحل