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حل انجليزي 4 مقررات Expansion Units 1-3


English 4

A. write a response to each question. include the word in parentheses and either too or enough

1- why can't we make a cake befor the guests arrive ?

1- we don't have enough time / there isn't enough time

2- why are you turining one more lights

2- it's too dark

3- why don't you like driving with him

 3- He drives too dangerously

4- why don't you like this landscape

4- it doesn't have enough trees

5- why isn't he running in the marathon this weekend

5- He's too lazy

6- why don't you like small rooms

6- they make me feel too claustrophobic

7- why do you find him difficult to understand

7- he speaks too quickly

8- why aren't you going to the game tonight

8- i'm too tired

9- why don't you like this couch

9- it isn't comfortable enough



Box B Box A
1- filling out forms is boring Boring Fill out forms
2- littering is irresponsible exciting Litter
3- losing your keys is irritating fascinating lose your keys
4- reading about scientific discoveries is fascinating  frightening read about scientific discoveries
5-setting in a sauna is relaxing  impossible sit in a sauna
6- skydiving is exciting irresponsible skydive
7- Touching your ear with your tongue is impossible irritating tough your ear with your tongue
8- witnessing a crime is frightening relaxing witness a crime

C. write sentences using two or three adjectives to describe the following things

Student's answer

أظهر المزيد من الحل إخفاء جزء من الحل