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حل انجليزي 4 مقررات صفحة 37


English 4

B. complete each sentence with the correct from of gat + an adjective or past participle from the box

1- Gisele was supposed to be home an hour ago. i'm getting worried

2- i prefer to use the gym early in the morning. it gets crowded in the afternoon

3- i got confused and accidentally showed up for the appointment on the wrong day

4- You know winter is coming when it starts getting dark

5- i think i may have the flu. i'm tired and i'm starting get dizzy

6- Kevin got engaged when he was twenty-four and was married six months later

7- we're going on vacation next week. we're getting excited about it

8-i'd recomment not buying white shoes. they get dirty

9- setting up your own business is a good way to Get rich said the the business man

10- Dale gets frightened when he rides the roller coasters at the park


C. Finish each sentence with a the the comperative

1- The more it rains, the higher the water level get in the river

2-The better my English gets, the easier it is to understand

English TV shows.

3- The more TV i watch, the less i like it

4-The earlier the class, the more tired i am

5- The farther we run, the longer it will take us to get back

6- The richer you are the more stuff you can buy

7- the older i get, the less i care  what others thing

8- the more sleep i get the better i feel

9- The warmer the weather gets, the nicer it is for swimming

10- the  quicker we work, the more we'll finish today

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