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حل انجليزي 4 مقررات صفحة 13


English 4

After reading

1- what are the main strenghs of the kingdom of saudi arabia

1- The Kingdom's wealth of natural resources, its islamic, family oriented society, its strategic position and opportunities for economic growth

2-What kind of support is necessary for the kingdom's society to prepare for 2030

2- The Saudi soient needs to be supported by social, health care and educational system that will help it raise its children in the best way possible to prepare them for the future

3-What types of events and activities will be available for citizens

3- Cultural and entertainment events, libraries , galleries, museums, community projects

4-How will the educational system differ compared to the past

4- the educational system will be updated to provide high quality learning and develop available talent and potential. it will provide the knowledge and skills required by the job market

5-in what way will the kingdom's geographical position affect its role in international trade

5- The kingdom's  position connects the waterways of three continents , Europe , africa and Asia .this give it a  unique advantage as a trading and transport hub

6- Wich factors will affect investment opportunities

6- Factors include A) streamlined government services that encourage the setting up of  new businesses and the  creation of new business sectors, b ) the privatization of state owned assets and agencies


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