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حل انجليزي 4 مقررات صفحة 23


English 4

B. complete each sentence with a gerund or gerund phrase

 Getting eight hours of sleep at night is a good idea -1

2- Exercising gives me energy

3- Reading a book takes a long time

4- joining a club  is one way to make friends

5- doing well in school makes me feel good about myself

6- making new friends is easy for some people, but difficult for others

7- buying things i do't need is something i try to avoid doing

8- watching TV is a bit borning

9- Sky diving is thrilling, but dangerous

10- mountain climbing is something i want to try someday

D. identify the sport each piece of equipment comes from. then write a sentence about each sport using either a gerund (phrase) as subject, or the superlative +  present perfect

1.( weight lifting ) what is the heaviest weight you have ever lifted

2. (swimming ) The coldest water i have ever swum im is the pacific ocean

3. (running ) running every day is good for your heart

4. (bicycling ) riding a bicycle is the best way to get around town

5. (skateboarding ) Skateboarding is the most difficult sport i've

6. (football) playing football with friends is a fun thing to do


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