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حل انجليزي 4 مقررات صفحة 99


After Reading

A: complete the sentences with these words

1- some one who cannot move his or her body is paralyzed

2- some thing that creates a lot of excitement can be called a sensation

3- someone who is accused of robbing a bank . but who has not yet been proven to have done it . can be called an alleged robber 

4- some feel that the idea that people will one day live in space is  far-fetch

5- someone who does not believe something that is believed by others can be described as skeptical 

6- when something is turned from one thing into another it is converted

7- someone who has a lot of abilities that they have not yet begun to use is said to have great potential

B:  Answer the questions >

1- what is telekinesis ?

1- trlekinesis is the ability to move objects with your mind

2- who was nina kulagina?

2- she was a russian woman who was alleged to have telekinetic powers

3- How can technology make it possible for the mine to move objects ?

3- a computer chip implanted in the brain could read brain waves and send a message to a computer 

4- what surgery did michael nagle undergo

4- nagle had a chip implanted in his brain that could read brain waves

5- how did the surgery change nagle's life ?

5- as a result . nagle could perform simple tasks in his home just by thinking about them ?






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