عن المحادثة
About the Conversation
1. What kind of project is Jet working on?
ما نوع المشروع الذي يعمل عليه جيت ؟
2. Where are they filming the documentary?
أين يمثلون الوثائقي ?
3. Is Jet using a stuntman?
هل يستخدم جيت بهلوان؟
4. What does Jet say about karate today?
.ماذا قال جيت عن الكاراتيه اليوم؟
5. Are they planning a lot of episodes?
هل يخططون لعديد من الحلقات ؟
1. He's working on a documentary series about martial arts.
2. They're filming the documentary in the studio in Hong Kong and in locations all over Asia.
3. No, he isn't.
4. Karate isn't about fighting. It's about physical strength and balance.
5. Yes, they are, if the first episode is successful.
Your Turn
مثل مع زميلك تخيل أنك تجري مقابلة مع جيت ثم بدلوا الأدوار
Role-play with a partner. Imagine you are a reporter interviewing Jet Chang. Then change roles.
Reporter: So, Ahmed, How is the new project going?
Ahmed: It is going very well.
Reporter: Tell me more about it.
Ahmed: It is a big Water Park with high security and safety.
Reporter: Are you planing to make a restaurant?
Ahmed: Sure, I am planing to make a hotel and restaurant in addition to chalets.
Reporter: How about the period of this project?
Ahmed: Three years according to the feasibility of the project.
7 About You
1. What martial arts do you know about?
ما هي الفنون القتالية التي تعرفها ؟
2. Do you think they're good sports? Why?
هل تعتقد أنها رياضات جيدة؟ ولماذا ؟
3. Do you watch documentaries?
هل تشاهد أفلاما وثائقية ؟
4. What kind of documentaries do you like? Why?
ما نوع الأفلام الوثائقية التي تحبها؟ ولماذا ؟
5. Do they make documentaries in your country? What are they about?
هل يصنعون أفلاما وثائقية في بلدك؟ ماهو محتواها؟
6: Do you ever watch documentaries or videos ill appline to learn more about something?
هل شاهدت فيلماً وثائقيا أو مقاطع فديو على الإنترنت لتعرف أكثر عن شيء ما ؟
1. Karate.
2. Yes, because it strengthens the entire body.
3. Yes, I do.
4. Animals, because I like adventure.
5. No.
6. Yes, I do.